Autor Archive: Anne


I´ve participated in the project #Illustratoren-für-Flüchtlinge (illustrators for refugees), a fine thing initiated by the illustrators Anna Karina Birkenstock and Constanze von Kitzing. The final collection of illustrated working material will be released after October 31st under Here is my contribution to it. Ich habe mitgemacht bei #Illustratoren-für-Flüchtlinge, einer feinen Sache, die von den […]


I had already tight plans for yesterdays Sunday, but in the morning I managed a sneak visit to the forest to check on the mushrooms. And I must say: bountiful! It took me less than an hour for this yield. I even had time for a quick drawing before cleaning the mushrooms. Der gestrige Sonntagnachmittag […]

Summer Project/Sommerprojekt

This summer I planned to draw and write something of my own about letters. But the project didn`t take off really. For one, the summer was too hot. Other work got in the way. And then I got massively sidetracked when I hauled all my old letters from the attic and started to read them. […]