Autor Archive: Anne

Quiosques de Lisboa III

  Almost exactly two years ago I was in Lisbon for the first time, for almost five weeks, for drawing and exploring. Today I found a very nice package with these books at my door. Two years of work, but also two years of learning and excitement. And today I am just happy! The book is beautiful, the paper […]

Quiosques de Lisboa II

Quiosques de Lisboa is now almost finished and will go into print very soon. It was a lot of work for us all, but it now it’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see the final book. Here is the link to the kunstanstifter. Quiosques de Lisboa ist jetzt fast fertig und wird nächste Woche in den […]


  Our Oriental cookbook is out and on the market! Have a look. Isn`t it beautiful? It was a lot of work, but all this is forgotten when you hold the actual book in hand! Unser orientalisches Kochbuch ist fertig und bald in den Buchhandlungen. Schaut`s Euch an. Ist es nicht schön geworden? Es war eine […]