Autor Archive: Anne

100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht

  It´s coming soon: our book for the 100th anniversary of woman suffrage in Germany! 65 woman illustrators drew 100 portraits of interesting and inspiring women of the last 100 years. I am one of the illustrators, but also one of the editors. It took a lot of work, about hundertthousand emails and very strong nerves, […]

Graphic Novel

For more than two years already I am working on a Graphic Novel about a voyage from northern Germany to Persia in 1636. The research alone took more than a year, and I spent another year with developing the plot, writing dialoges and drawing the sketches. But now I am doing the final artwork and can show some panels at […]


  My illustration of Suzanne Vega`s song “Calypso”, freshly published in mare magazin.   Meine Illustration zu Suzanne Vegas Song “Calypso” ist gerade in der mare erschienen.